Welcome to the Furblog by Furbaby Pet Care, your trusted source for insightful and timely articles about pet care. Here, our dedicated Furbaby team shares their expertise on issues that matter most to pets and their families. From health and wellness tips to behaviour and lifestyle, our blog aims to keep you informed and engaged in the ever-evolving world of pet care.
Join us as we explore topics that help enhance the lives of our beloved furry friends.

Enjoy the Jazz Fest with Your Dog at Furbaby’s Dog Daycare Festival Area
Are you a jazz aficionado with a canine companion? Have you ever thought about hitting the Jazz Festival with your pup and enjoying the music just a little longer because the atmosphere is perfect? This year, the SaskTel Saskatchewan Jazz Festival introduces a special...

Celebrating the New Home of the Saskatoon SPCA
A Warm Welcome to the New Location Hello, Furbaby Pet Care community! I’m Jocelyn Davey-Hawreluik, CEO and owner of Furbaby Pet Care and a proud board member of the Saskatoon SPCA. I am thrilled to share the exciting news about the grand reopening of the Saskatoon...

Celebrate Mother’s Day at Furbaby Pet Care!
A Special Mother's Day Message from Jocelyn Davey-Hawreluik Mother's Day is a time of reflection and appreciation for all types of moms, including those of us who cherish the role of being pet moms. As the owner and CEO of Furbaby Pet Care, and a devoted mom to Ruger...

Welcome to Spring in Saskatoon: A Time for Dog Owners to Prepare
As we step into the lovely month of May in Saskatoon, it’s crucial for dog owners to have crossed off certain items on their essential springtime checklist for dog owners. Furbaby Pet Care is here to remind you of the key tasks that should be taken care of to ensure...

Celebrating National Pet Parents Day: A Heartfelt Thanks from Furbaby Pet Care
A Tribute to Pet Parents: The Heart of Furbaby Pet Care Today (Sunday, April 28, 2024) marks a special occasion for all the dedicated pet parents out there—National Pet Parents Day. Here at Furbaby Pet Care, we recognize the immense love and care you have for your...